Not All Americans Are Alike

This evening I wrote a letter home using an old-fashioned-style of pen that must be dipped in the ink bottle now and again.  (Takes one back to my early school days!).  Thought I would give the thing a try – it might be an improvement over the fountain pen, with which I have been having a lot of trouble.  So far, so good ——–!

Mom and Dad responded to some pictures of Jayne that I sent them.  I agree that Jayne is “just darling”.  I still think my best picture is where I’m standing.  Mom and Dad asked about the negatives; as far as the negatives are concerned, I gave them all to Jayne, so do not have them to send home.  If Mom and Dad insist, I’ll write Jayne and borrow the few negatives that they would most like to have additional prints of.  (P.S. I certainly hope I’m not losing my hair already!)  My smile is okay, eh?  I haven’t had one on my face since hitting this place, I’m afraid.

I have a bit of a headache right now – been working too hard here.  I put in long hours.  It’s statistical work, something like what I have been doing back at Langford Lodge.

Dad told me that he thought seeing a girl seven out of nine nights (I had to work the other two!) is serious.  Well, I haven’t been out with her at all the last nine nights, so it’s less serious than it might have appeared.  Or is it?  I last saw Jayne on July 1st — between the 2nd and 8th she wrote me five letters, all of them very long ones.  Very nice of her, to say the least!

My Mom asked, in a recent letter — Do you know you’re leaving Ireland or are you guessing?  What do you think?  I don’t need a crystal ball to tell that I’m in England now – and this isn’t at all permanent, thank goodness!  I’m now able to keep a little more closely in touch with such goings-on than was once possible.  I’ll keep Mom and Dad informed to the best of my ability.

I wonder how Bonnie likes the job at Wards.  I hope she writes to bring me up to date on everything.

I wonder if Mom and Dad got all those postcards and the cartoon booklet about N.I.  Was just wondering – they haven’t said anything yet.

While I’m jumping around, I wonder how Mom feels now.  She seems to be getting around again.  I’ve almost forgotten I had an operation.  In case you would like to read about it, there is a good article on “hernias” in a recent Reader’s Digest.

I was happy to hear Mom say all those good things about Bonnie.  I’m sure she is as fine a girl as Mom pointed out to me.  Decent girls are very nice to know – I don’t know of anything more disgusting to me than one that is otherwise, though.  As little as I have had to do with girls over here, I feel that I was very lucky to meet a girl like Jayne, with so many of the other kind running around.  I guess you already have heard that Yank soldiers in general are not well thought of here.  Many of the “better” families will not have their daughters going out with GI’s.  To some extent, they are probably right!  What too many of these people overlook is that not all Americans are alike!  Jayne seemed to think I was okay — and she claims she is very particular about her friends.

[letterstohome copyright 2008]

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