This Has Surely Been Cheery

Today makes just a month that I have been in the hospital.  All my tape and stuff is off now, and I’m feeling quite well.  The doctor doesn’t take any chances with his patients, so I expect to stay here for another two weeks or so.

A couple more letters have come from home – and for the most part, the news is not good, even if it doesn’t concern our family directly.  I was very sorry to hear that Mrs. Hoppe passes away.  The two letters about her were very understanding:  Mom and Dad were wise enough and kind enough to be of much help to the Hoppe’s without making things more difficult for them.  But Mom and Dad are wrong when they say I don’t understand such things.

One letter I got had a clipping about Bill Matzger.  It’s a shame that such things must happen.  The fact that it has happened to so many others doesn’t make it any less terrible.  When Mom and Dad first mentioned this, I was in hopes he was only “missing”, for then there is some chance.

I think I know what Mom’s illness was in spite of the drawing that I received.  That was a dilly!  Neuritis has the reputation of being very painful.  Evidently, Mom doesn’t care too much if it comes back?  For heaven’s sake, she should stop working hard, playing cards for too long, and doing the other things that make her feel it a little!

Well, this has surely been a cheery thing, hasn’t it?  (P.S. I hear that Mrs. Press is getting along okay after her operation).

[letterstohome copyright 2008]

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