Invention for Fun and Profit

I’ve been reading over several letters from home in which Mom and Dad mention a patent deal that dad is working on, and I don’t know what to think—or say.  This work that Dad and Uncle Reuben have been doing this summer on their own hook definitely proves that they have the capitalistic viewpoint in business.  Therefore, I’m not surprised that they recognize the opportunity for profit in invention.

They have told me little or nothing of the device itself.  And, not being of a mechanical nature, I probably wouldn’t understand if they did.  The first time anything was said about it to me was only a few weeks ago.  I wonder if the invention of this thing is as sudden as it appears to me, or if they have been working on it for a few months.

Some people have made money on patents—more people have probably lost money on them.  Not knowing anything about this invention, I am in no position to predict which category it will put them in.  I think they understand that a patent lawyer’s fees are not dependent upon the success or failure of the patented device.  He has nothing to lose.  They have.  The fact that an invention can be patented is not in itself proof of value.  The prime requisite of any invention thought to be of potential value is its marketability.  Someone must want it.  In fact, it should be something the prospective buyers will fight over.

How is it that it takes so much money to get something patented?  The government grants patents, and I can hardly believe that it would put the cost of a patent as high as the figure they mentioned.  If the greater part of that goes to the attorney, as I suspect it does, why do they deal through him anyway?  Can’t they find out from the Patent Office what the procedure is in obtaining a patent?  And how do they figure it will take a year or two to obtain it.  I should think 3 months would do it.  It didn’t take a year the last time, did it?  Does the attorney take care of the selling of it?

I wonder if dad was kidding when he asked me if I wanted a share in it.  If he has any ideas, he should put his cards on the table.

We are having our summer now. It goes like this—2 weeks of rain, one nice, warm sunny day, 2 weeks of rain, etc.  The days are now very long.  Doesn’t get dark until midnight.  And have I ever been staying up!  Never do get to bed before 11 and sometimes it’s later.  That gives me some trouble at 6 the next morning, but the feeling soon wears off.  The main problem is getting up.  Some of the boys have terrible fights with themselves to get up.

Have seen some good shows of late.  Last Friday night we went to see a murder mystery “Phantom Lady” with Franchot Tone and some others.  After the show we went to the Red Cross Aeroclub on the base and argued about the movie for an hour or two over a sandwich and a cup of coffee.  What excitement we have here.

[letterstohome copyright 2008]

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