Archive for March, 1945

Yes, It’s Different With Girls

Saturday, March 10th, 1945

Here I go again! Well, I’m now into my fifth week here at the hospital. The time has passed quickly so far. I got a big kick out of my first full fledged shower in a month. Those bed baths!?! In fact, I took two showers that evening, one after the other! I had a heck of a time with my hair and scalp while laid up. No it (my hair) didn’t come out, but it (my scalp) did itch and get awfully grimy.

Today the doc gave me permission to “take a short walk” (I asked him if I could). Ah, yes, my return to the great out-of-doors! A couple of us walked up to the barracks area. I made a bee-line for (1) the barbershop, (2) the PO, and (3) the PX. What a haircut. I got my money’s worth and then some.

I wrote Mom and Dad and enclosed another MO. $40 to deposit in the bank.

I recently received a letter from Mom and Dad in which they quoted a very fine letter from Cleon to Bonnie. They already know how I feel about Cleon – he couldn’t be better. Doesn’t he realize Bonnie writes me right along? However, I have been waiting to hear how she liked that batch of letters I mailed in January. Also, the sweater I “sponsored”. Or was it a sweater this time? I was astounded by her wardrobe! Sounds very much okay and adequate to me. Wherever did she get all those things? I never had anything like that. (Yes, it’s different with girls).

Our pinochle games continue. It’s murder!

I wonder how things worked out on the new income tax set-up this year. Gov’t employees pay-as-they-go, don’t they? Then what happens in March?

In one letter, Mom makes some sly remark about how long it took me to clean up at home, and another member of the family was compared with me. She’s in for it now! It’s common knowledge that the average woman takes three times as long to fix up as the slowest male. And I’m not particularly slow. A lot of boys have come under my observation, so I’ve found that Mom has been doing me wrong. There—-!

[letterstohome copyright 2008]

This Has Surely Been Cheery

Tuesday, March 6th, 1945

Today makes just a month that I have been in the hospital.  All my tape and stuff is off now, and I’m feeling quite well.  The doctor doesn’t take any chances with his patients, so I expect to stay here for another two weeks or so.

A couple more letters have come from home – and for the most part, the news is not good, even if it doesn’t concern our family directly.  I was very sorry to hear that Mrs. Hoppe passes away.  The two letters about her were very understanding:  Mom and Dad were wise enough and kind enough to be of much help to the Hoppe’s without making things more difficult for them.  But Mom and Dad are wrong when they say I don’t understand such things.

One letter I got had a clipping about Bill Matzger.  It’s a shame that such things must happen.  The fact that it has happened to so many others doesn’t make it any less terrible.  When Mom and Dad first mentioned this, I was in hopes he was only “missing”, for then there is some chance.

I think I know what Mom’s illness was in spite of the drawing that I received.  That was a dilly!  Neuritis has the reputation of being very painful.  Evidently, Mom doesn’t care too much if it comes back?  For heaven’s sake, she should stop working hard, playing cards for too long, and doing the other things that make her feel it a little!

Well, this has surely been a cheery thing, hasn’t it?  (P.S. I hear that Mrs. Press is getting along okay after her operation).

[letterstohome copyright 2008]